How to Make Perfect Caramel Tart Filling

Jul, 13, 2024

How to Make Perfect Caramel Tart Filling: Tips, Techniques, and Recipe

Caramel is a rich, sweet substance made by heating sugar until it melts and turns a deep amber color. The process involves carefully controlling the temperature to achieve the perfect balance of sweetness and depth of flavor. Often enhanced with butter, cream, or salt, caramel can range from a silky, pourable sauce to a firmer candy texture. It is widely used in desserts, candies, and as a topping or filling, adding a luscious, complex sweetness to any dish.

Not only can this caramel recipe be used as a filling for tarts but it is also pipeable. Use it to decorate cakes, pies, or bars.

pro tips

  • mise en place: weigh and prepare your ingredients and supplies before starting. The purpose is to streamline the cooking process, ensuring efficiency, and reducing stress. Minimize the risk of errors and allow for better focus on technique and timing.
  • room temperature ingredients: adding cold ingredients can cause the caramel to seize.
  • heavy-bottom pan: a thick pan ensures even heat distribution, preventing hot spots that can cause the sugar to burn.
  • low to medium heat: begin melting the sugar on low heat to allow it to dissolve evenly. Gradually increase the heat to medium as it melts.
  • wet caramel vs. dry caramel: wet caramel is made with sugar and water. To prevent crystallization, avoid stirring; swirl the pan gently. Dry caramel is made with just sugar. Add a small amount of sugar to the pan and once it starts to melt, add more sugar. Continue this process until all of the sugar has been added. Stir the sugar gently to ensure it dissolves completely.
  • CAUTION: caramel reaches temperatures of 185°F. When you add the heavy cream and butter, the caramel bubbles and sizzles and steams but needs to be stirred constantly to prevent seizing. Use a long-handled spatula or whisk while stirring to keep your hands safe.

equipment and supplies

caramel ingredients

caramel ingredient notes

  • gelatin mass: a gelatin mass is a hydrated gelatin. For this recipe, sprinkle 10 g of powdered gelatin over 10 grams of cold water. Let sit until ready to use.
  • glucose: prevents crystallization and achieves a smooth, glossy texture.
  • vanilla: you can substitute a whole vanilla bean instead of extract. Add the bean to the cream before boiling then allow to infuse. Remove the bean before adding the cream to the caramel.

recipe instructions

step one: Add the cream to a small saucepan, bring to a boil then turn off the heat. In a heavy-bottom saucepan, add the sugar, glucose, and water. Cook to 180-185°C. Turn off the heat.

step two: Slowly stir in the heavy cream. Reheat the caramel to 104-105°C. Stir well.

step three: Transfer the caramel to a measuring cup. Stir in the condensed milk. Add the vanilla and diced butter and process with a hand blender until smooth.

step four: Pour into baked tart shells and allow to set.

Caramel Tart Filling

Course Dessert
Cuisine American
Servings 9 tartlets


  • 1 heavy bottom saucepan
  • 1 hand blender


  • 15 g gelatin mass
  • 170 g heavy cream
  • 25 g water
  • 60 g sugar
  • 60 g glucose
  • 35 g condensed milk
  • 53 g butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla


  • Bring the cream to a boil.
  • In a medium saucepan, bring the water, sugar, and glucose to 180-185°C.
  • Turn off the heat. While stirring constantly, slowly add the hot cream.
  • Reheat the caramel to 104-105°C, stirring well.
  • Transfer to a measuring cup. Add condensed milk and vanilla. Stir.
  • Allow the caramel to cool to 40-42℃, then add melted gelatin and diced butter—process with hand blender.
  • Pour into baked tart shells and allow to set.

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